Tuesday, December 12, 2006
[NOTE] Hi~ Do You Speak Chinese?
Anyway, if you speak Chinese, or you can read Chinese, please leave me a note. And / or if you are interested in viewing my Chinese blog, leave me a note. (Probably you have already found out my Chinese blog, and you just haven't leave me a comment on any of the post I had over there.)
I will continue to update this blog, but with Wii, and possibly a NDSL coming soon, I don't think I will have much time to update even one blog. Please don't expect me to update this blog too often. I'm just trying to translate the same post that is already existed in my Chinese blog, and may be create a few English only blog-post. Hopefully it will keep this blog going.
Even just a little word "read" in the comment would be nice, at least that will give me an idea that someone actually read this blog and not just someone that "clicks-in, and clicks-out". Thanks~
- Anyone getting a Wii? My Wii # 4079 0967 8396 1955. Please add me~
- Still a few more chance for getting a Wii before X'mas.
- Would you like to play? Yes, Wii would like to play~
Thursday, December 07, 2006
[Shopaholic] Coloured Eye Glasses

Grey, with White trim on the back side of the frame and ear piece.

All Black.

What do you think? Which one you think is the best?
Brand: ProDesign (Denmark)
Style: #4611
- Korean BBQ and Stone bowl rice (dolsot bibimbap) for lunch, and Chinese Hotpot for dinner?!
- No wonder high fever strikes on sunday night.
- Wii on sale again tomorrow! Line up at 4am?!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
[FOOD] Raw Milk. Dangerous?!
Now, every brand is saying how "clean" they are, how many cleaning or special sanitizing procedure the milk went through. The milk you can from grocery store are all been treated, most of them were being heated to at least 60o Celsius and some keep at the "cooking" temperature for as long as 30 minutes. So the Milk is really "Clean" now, but it would taste like water (no flavour), and with a weird taste to it. Some would say that's a burnt taste cause by the "cooking" of the Milk.
That's just what I think, you can read the links here and see for yourself.
Got Milk? Make Sure It's Pasteurized - FDA magazine 2004
A Campaign for Real Milk
Raw Milk in Wikipedia
Pasteurization in Wikipedia
The Real Reasons Why Raw Milk is Becoming More Popular
Why Raw Milk Should Be Avoided
Finally! Raw Milk Information You Can Trust!
Organic Pastures
I don't know the whole truth behind this Milk business, I try to drink as little milk as possible, unless I'm sure about this "RAW MILK". But as I heard from someone before, which I found so true:
"Cow's Milk are suppose to be drink by young calves. It's not for human to consume it!"
- XXX's Milk should be consumed by young XXX, not for YYY (at any age) to consume it! YYY should go drink milk from the "milk-able" species in YYY's group. If the whole YYY species doesn't produce any milk, then milk isn't a choice for YYY.
- Yup, you guessed it, YYY can be Human.
- Wii doesn't have normal DVD function, so it can't play DVD movies. I just realized that could be another "safety" feature to protect Wii from any illegal copies. Hmm...
- PS3 uses Blu-ray Disc. I just read the flyers today and found out that a LG Blu-ray Disc burner is selling for just $749.99. So the day of safely copying your legal copy isn't too far away. Hmm...
- Fujifilm Natura Black F1.9
- Is anyone going to Japan any time soon?!
- Taiwan works too.
- Konica Wai Wai, it's so hard to find.
- Camera is much harder to find than a Wii or PS3.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
[GAME] Wii review - part 1
The First game Wii reviewed is the bundled with console game - Wii Sport.

In Wii Sports, there are total of 5 games: Tennis, Bowling, Boxing, Golf and Baseball. We will start with Tennis. In the game of Tennis, Wii will use the Wii-Remote as the game controller.

Wii-Remote. Some call it the "Wiimote".
To use the Wiimote in Tennis is very simple, just hold the Wiimote as you would hold a Tennis racquet. Holding the Wiimote and move it upward as you would throw the ball up into air (of course you have to be the server!), and make the motion of hitting the ball using the Wiimote to serve. After that, play the game as if you are really holding a real racquet, but you don't need to run, the character in the game will do the running by itself. (or you can control it somehow? we haven't tested that.)
At the beginning, no one really knows how to serve, run, hit the ball and kept it within the court. (We usually ends the game within a few hits of the ball.) But as soon as we finished a few games, some of us actually served an ACE, and some does a few powerful end-to-end strokes.
After Tennis, we move on to another game - Bowling.
Since the console only comes with one set of controller, and as of this post the Wiimote is still in shortage, We only have 2 Wiimote at the time of this review. Unlike Tennis, in Bowling you can take turns in playing, so we can have 4 player with just 2 Wiimote.
Recently, rumors and/or unconfirmed videos are out there on many website saying while playing the Wii Bowling, the string connecting the hand strap and Wiimote would break. And it would slip off the player's hand, causing the Wiimote flying toward the TV unit and breaking the TV screen.
In most cases the victim is the LCD/Plasma TV, and the "killer" are some young child. During our review, we reminded ourselves over and over, and we secured the hand strap before we start the game, making sure we won't make the Wiimote a flying rocket targeting the TV.
After a few games of Wii Bowling, and carefully watching few others playing the game, I have come to a conclusion (my personal opinion): While it's not impossible for the string between Wiimote and the hand strap to break, but for wear and tear, it wouldn't happen in just a few days after the system was sold. The breaking point of the string shown in some website are simply not reasonable. I don't have any scientific test to prove or disprove anything, but I have never witness any incident of Wiimote slipping out of anyone's hand during game play. I don't think Wiimote has any problem under normal use.
Anyway~ back to our topic, Wii Bowling. After selecting players, game start without the need of choosing your bowling ball. (May be there is an option to select ball weight? We didn't check that.) Using the directional key, you can move the character sideways. Press A button, and you can change the angle the character is facing the bowling alley. After that, all you have to do is to make the motion of rolling the ball while holding on to the Wiimote and pressing the B button. Release the B button as if you would release the ball, and Wii will take care of the rest.
This is where most people would (I suspect) release the whole Wiimote and "killing" the TV. But according to our test, most people actually forgot to release the B button, (and held on to the Wiimote really tight!) which Wii will stop and let you try again. After a few strikes and splits, scoring 132 or 142?
Anyway, if you happen to getting the ball onto other people's alley, you will lose your turn. (How to do it? Move your character to the most left/right, then turn your character 45o to the left/right, and release the ball.) What's the fun/benefit of doing that? I don't know, but sure it's funny when we does that. (Everyone laughed!) Oh yeah, you can also throw the ball backward, it will shock all the NPC sitting behind the player~ Hahaha~
(To Be Continue~)
- December 8th, Bestbuy will have another shipment.
- Across Canada, retailers are receiving new shipment mid-week every week till X'mas.
- The sales of LCD/Plasma will rise for sure.
- Took me 3 hours to wrote this.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
[Blog] Direction - Redirecting East to West
This blog will try it's best to report anything from the east side of this world. Of course it will stay with in the four most important things in life: eat, drink, play and having fun!
Currently in works are Asian Movie preview/review/discussion (p/r/d below), Japanese Anime p/r/d, Asian Music p/r/d, Asian Food (snack/meal/related news) report/recipe, Asian Game (G rated/Hentai?!) news/report/p/r/d, and many many more~
Hopefully it will be your #1 blog for sources about any of the Asian related material mentioned above (or some not mentioned too~).
With that being said, I guess I should start on working on collecting, watching, and writing anything asian. (am I just giving myself some more excuse to buy more HD, DVDs, Wii, PS3...???)
- 3rd post of the day.
- I should get myself a new desk~
- cleaning up the old isn't a bad idea. Orz
[Blog] Wizard? Blog Setup for Dummies?
WHAT? There isn't a step-by-step wizard to setup the template of this blog?!
This problem exists when I was starting the "Testing Ground", but I guess I was blinded by the things happened at work or just that I totally forgot(?!). First of all, the list of template was not enough! or the idea of having only a few
I guess if I take anyone of these "template" from the list and delete all the settings there and put in my set of codes, it should be count as copying the original or altering the original work? Right? OK...I know you would say don't ask you.
oh well.
- need some positive energy.
- may be I should go away.
[Blog] To Switch or Not To Switch?
That's just about the whole blog, switching to the new (and improved?) Blogger system. But I guess I should really decide on what I should do with this space, as currently the reading rate is still very low and the reply rate is next to zero.
On the chinese website I did before, I faced the same problem. I just don't know how to get more people to come to read my stuff, or even just to visit and get the page hit number goes up. I know it has everything to do with the content, but how can they judge if it's good (or bad...) content if they don't even come here to read it? (or view it...whatever.)
Anyway, just fed up at work, that's all.
Oh, to the people (or person) that is subscribed to this blog, please take the link of your RSS feed program. Because once I did the switch, Blogger will repost all post here and will probably flush your RSS feed list. (It probably won't affect anyone anyway, I guess people just comes by and read it once in a while.)
- fed up at work, cuz some "temp" here is just being rude/dumb/stupid/crazy/ignorant.
- I guess I should update the template.
- using IE7 now, and this page won't show up right...
- FF2.0 seems better, but the IE poison is so deep in my vein...
- how's the censorship here in blogger? none what-so-ever? anyone knows?
Saturday, November 11, 2006
[Cooking] Kimchi Chinese Chives Pork Liver Stir-fry + XO Sauce Bean Shoots
Watched a Japanese tv show long time ago, in the show they showed a dish that is full of vitamin B, which can help to boost up your stamina/vigorousness?? Anyway, it sounds perfect for me, because I'm always tired.
Kimchi Chinese Chives Pork Liver Stir-fry
Kimchi (one bowl, actually it's I have left with.)
Chinese Chives (cut into about 1 inch in length.)
Pork Liver (use about half of it should be enough, but I don't know what should I do with the rest, so I used all of it. oh, don't slice it too thin, 1cm should be good.)
Pork meat (wanted to get some belly meat, but the pre-sliced ones are all gone, only the big block is there. So I ended up using the ones for Hotpot.)
Korean Hot Sauce, Sesame Oil and some Szechwan Peppercorn.
1. Heat the Oil in the pan, add Liver and Meat in it.
2. once the color of the liver changes, add Chinese Chives and Kimchi.
3. Crush the Peppercorn and add a little is enough, it's to get rid of the smell of the liver.
4. add the Hot sauce in, but it's quite sweet and very easy to burn, so mix it with little water before adding it in.
5. once the sauce thickens, serve it up~ (Liver can't cook for too long, remember that.)
A dish full of meat and intestine, gotta have some vegetable, add some "fiber", or else...
XO Sauce Bean Shoots
Bean Shoots (not those Bean sprouts, it's green.)
XO Sauce (LKK Brand. quite expensive, and I could have cook it myself, the ingredients ain't all that special anyway.)
1. Add 1 Tbsp of the Sauce (with the oil) into the pan and heat it up.
2. rinse the Bean shoots, and add it in.
3. stir-fry it a while, add some water and cover it to cook for a minute.
That's it~ if you don't really want to fry it, you can cook the bean shoots in boiling water and then mix in the sauce before you serve.
Cooking for one person is not easy. If you make one dish, it seems not enough. But if you cook two dish, there will be left overs. Gotta think of a way to change this.
P.S. - Spent whole day at work reading comics.
- I know DN released long time ago, I know I'm not "IN"
- I wish I have one.
- PIII 733 @ 133Mhz is pretty good, it should able to run W2K.
- 128Mb of RAM sucks. but for NT4 should be quite good already, right?
- C72606
Thursday, November 09, 2006
[Cooking] Kimchi Chinese Chives Sliced Lamb Stir-fry + Shrimp Omelette
Found some Kimchi, some Chinese chives. Defrost some sliced lamb meat from the pack ready for hotpot, dig up some sauces, and so, a dish is decided.
Kimchi Chinese Chives Sliced Lamb Stir-fry
Kimchi (approx. 1 bowl)
Chinese Chives (cut into about 1 inch in length)
Sliced Lamb (since it's already sliced to use in hotpot, just defrost it and set it aside)
Green Onion (can be cut similar as the Chinese Chives, or chopped into fine pieces)
Korean style hot sauce (depending on the sweetness of the sauce, approx 1 tbsp)
and some Oil (Sesame seed oil or Vegetable oil)
1. Add some oil into the pan. once the oil is heated, add the Sliced Lamb.
2. Cook until the meat fully changes colour. (Brown or No more red is seen on the surface of the meat) Add the Chinese Chives.
3. Add Kimchi, Green Onion and the hot sauce into the pan. (If the hot sauce is too sweet, add some chili powder and soy sauce to adjust the flavour)
(Add a little bit of water to the pan if it's starts to sticks to the bottom, but don't add too much or else it will become a stew.)
4. Mix everything together, it's done when everything is well heated.
Done! This should be enough for one person. (or more than enough?!) But since I'm cooking anyway, and I found that 1 dish only is "just too bland". So I decided to cook another dish, with the de-shelled de-veined shrimp and egg.
Shrimp Omelette?
Shrimp (approx. 15 pieces, shell removed and deveined)
Eggs (5 should do it, less if the eggs are big)
Japanese soup base (or was it really flavoured soy sauce?) that is flavoured with bonito flakes (or some simple soy sauce would do)
Shallot (a little is enough)
1. Heat some Sesame oil, and put the shallot and stir-fry them for a while.
2. Shrimp goes in.
3. Eggs, Beat them up! Add some soup base(??) and mix well. Add them into the pan when the Shrimp changes colour. (Let the eggs starts to set and make sure they coat the Shrimp.)
All Done!
The reason why I wrote this post, was because if someday I have to be the "cook" of the house, I would have some kind of reference. If I don't write these down, I'll probably forget about them the next day or so.
P.S. - Took me more than 2 hours to write this.
- Haven't updated for quite some time.
- Wii are good, PS3 is just too expensive.
- should just sleep more.
- anyone still uses Windows NT 4.0?
- C72506.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Big Bug in Google
Click the link below to have a look. (Beware of Bug!)
Google Map Bug
Pretty scary, eh?

If Google Map got edited or for whatever reason you can't see this, please click the below link to view the screen shot in my flickr account.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The Departed - What? The Retarded?
Well, this post is not to discuss what my current mental state is. I'm here to talk about this movie. The Departed.
I'm not saying Martin Scorsese has anything to do with the word "retarded". NO! This word just came to my mind when I first heard about the name of the movie. I was like "huh?! Retarded??" and thinks what are weird name for this Imported version of the movie.
After I read the comment on IMDB, the user Alwood said:
Please don't make negative comments like some of the aforementioned people have been doing if you haven't seen the film yet! I have seen it, at a press screening last week. Not only is it the best film of the year so far, it marks a return to form for Martin Scorsese, and ranks with the likes of GOODFELLAS as being one of the best in his canon of films.
I'm a fan of the Hong Kong film, INFERNAL AFFAIRS, upon which this is based. While THE DEPARTED keeps the basic structure of the original, it is very much its own movie, so much so that the screenwriter, William Monahan, didn't even watch the original film while adapting its screenplay, thus enabling him to infuse the script with his, and Scorsese's, respective visions.
All the actors are first-rate (yes, even Leo, for all you DiCaprio bashers out there), and turn in some of their best performances to date. THE DEPARTED is sure to garner a host of Oscar nods, if not wins, including (hopefully) Scorsese's long-overdue statuette for Best Director. Plus, with actors like Martin Sheen and Alec Baldwin playing supporting roles, that says a lot about the quality of the film they signed up for! THE DEPARTED is tough stuff, not for the faint-of-heart. That said, it is a must-see for adult viewers who long for intelligent, gritty stories to grace our movie screens once again.
Well, I personally don't know how good Martin Scorsese or William Monahan are. Then again, this post is not to discuss about William Monahan(may be not even Martin Scorsese). But just a little note, by not watching the original and goes ahead to "translate" the story is just wrong. Since you are working off from someone's idea, why not watch it and make sure you can improve on it? Or may be trying to make an exact duplicate and then say:"I didn't watch the original and it just happen that I wrote the same thing." Yeah, right. It's just the same as "I didn't copy XXX's homework/test/exam/assignment/etc. , it just happens that we did the same thing/mistake/error/etc." Yeah, right. I'm sure teachers from all over the world has heard something like that before in their long long teaching career.
The main reason that triggers me to write this post is that, after watching all the available trailer and related material on the movie's website, it gets me thinking. Just how much did Leonardo DiCaprio or Matt Damon or Mark Wahlberg knows about the original movie. Did they know that the ORIGINAL idea was from the Hong Kong movie Wu Jian Dao (Infernal affairs)??? And has anyone of them ever got a chance (or willing) to watch the original?! Or they are all so f***ing arrogant that everything that is from America is the best, even if they copy?!
(Now, don't come and shout at me saying I know nothing...yet.)
If not, why they all praised Martin Scorsese? To the extent that even they know it's a next-to-exact remake of the original, they still say that he is great with his idea and all that? It's just my feeling after watching the trailers, and compare it bit by bit with the original.
If you have watched or going to watch the original and the "The Departed", I'm sure you will find alot of the details are the same. Just one of the many things, in one of the scene, Leonardo's character's hand is in a cast. The cast will get broken to check to make sure Leonardo isn't hiding some recording device in it. This is exactly the same as the original. If Martin Scorsese is so brilliant, why can't he think of something good to replace that? Oops, that's because Martin Scorsese is just the director, not the writer. No wonder they can only from someone's idea. Well, then why would they all say Martin Scorsese has such a great idea to come up with this movie? I'm confused.
Monday, October 02, 2006
[FOOD] ICHIBAN @ New Kennedy Square
Back in July, I have attended a wedding of someone. Got so damn drunk and couldn't drive home. Well, of course I didn't drink and drive. I'm not that stupid. Getting myself killed is fine, but what if I hit someone or something? No No No.... {>_<}
Woke up the next day early(like 7 or 8am), and still feels a little bit dizzy. Sat on my bed and watched TV for a few hours, and then the hunger kicks in. Oh yeah, you will feel unbelievably hungry after you are drunk, and especially you threw up everything, including the lunch you had before you get drunk. (I wonder, how can I threw up so much?!)
Anyway, since I got some red pocket from the wedding, I decided to use them all up for lunch, hopefully this will help me recover. After checking how much money I got from the red pockets, and to compensate myself for not eating good food at the banquet. (Well, the banquet doesn't have any good food IMO, so that's why I drink so much wine.)
$40, What can I have?! Hmm... an idea comes to mind. Since it's july, it's summer time; Traditionally in Japan, people would eat BBQ Eel for ENERGY! Which is something I needed at the time. But just a BBQ Eel rice bowl doesn't seems enough to compensate me for what happened, and it's probably just $10, what am I gonna do with the rest of the money?! I have to get rid of it. (HEY, it's not the money that you get from a funeral!! You don't have to spent them all.)
So I ended up with: a box of BBQ Eel rice(big pieces of BBQ Eel, nice~), a box of sashimi (I believe they have 9 pieces? They are thick and fresh and tasty!), and a bento box with many things. Inside the bento box, it has 2 large shrimp tempura, some veggie tempura(sweet potato, cauliflower, zuchini, and mushroom?!), a small piece of deep fried item(I think it's some veggie and pork meatball?!), and 7 or 8 pieces of charcoal grilled beef ribs!! (also rice and soup and salad.)
Of course I didn't finish everything in 1 shot. Some of the stuff actually became my dinner for the day. For less than $40 you can have all these food and the quality is really good. They would actually give you more side dishes if you dine in there. (I was too dizzy and thinks that I better stay home for it.)
Ichiban is actually all over Toronto, and they are operated by different owner and their menus are different too. This particular one is located inside the plaza at the southwest corner of Kennedy Road and Highway 7.
Address: 8360 Kennedy Road, Unit B2, Markham, Ontario.
Tel: (905) 474-3677
Fax Order: (905) 474-1575
Let's Blog - Yeah!
Life isn't easy as we all know about it. I actually skipped lunch (I don't plan to eat lunch anyway), and I totally forgot to get a glass of water. Hmm...I'm too into this blogging thing. Orz...
After a few hours trying out the Blogger beta service, I found that it's not user friendly at all. (or I'm not a good user in some sense?) Why doesn't it have a few more template for us to choose? and these template here now, are they made by the Blogger team or just someone from outside being nice and put some there? If it's the latter, I wish Blogger team should work on some basic template. Ones that has nothing on, just simple title + sidebar + blogpost. (or may be title + left sidebar + Blog post + right sidebar??) May be a step-by-step wizard, guild people through setting up all the different things on the blog.
Well, may be it's time for a Blogger for dummies book. (or it's out there already? I don't go to book store. =_=|||)
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Lazy Lazy Me
13 % Nerd, 21% Geek, 34% Dork
A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia. A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one. A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions. You scored less than half in all three, earning you the title of: Joe Normal.
This is not to say that you don't have some Nerd, Geek or Dork inside of you--we all do, and you can see the percentages you have right above. This is just to say that none of those qualities stand out so much as to define you. Sure, you enjoy an episode of Star Trek now and again, and yeah, you kinda enjoyed a few classes back in the day. And, once in a while, you stumble while walking down the street even though there was nothing there to cause you to trip. But, for the most part, you look and act fairly typically, and aren't much of an outcast.
I'd say there's a fair chance someone asked you to take this test. In any event, fairly normal.
If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback!
Also, you might want to check out some of my other tests if you're interested in any of the following:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Professional Wrestling
Love & Sexuality
Thanks Again! -- THE NERD? GEEK? OR DORK? TEST
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Blogger - Helloooo~~ Anyone~~~~???
This band from UK makes it,
powered by ODEO
I started a blog which nobody read.
When I went to work I blogged there instead.
I started a blog which nobody viewed it might be in cash but topics include....
George bush is a evil moron
What's the story with revolving doors.
I am in love with the girl that doesn't know I exist.
Nobody hates preppies any more.
- Musical Interlude -
I started a blog. But nobody came.
No issues were raised. No comments were made.
I started a blog which nobody read.
I'll admit it wasn't that great. But if you must know here is what is said...
100 of my favourite albums.
200 people I can't take.
400 movies I would like to recommend.
10 celebrities, four of whom I might assassinate.
- Musical Interlude -
I started a blog. I sent you the link.
I wanted the world to know what I think.
I started a blog but when I read yours it made me forget what I had started mine for.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Jeff Cheung - Be Your Man (Mandarin)
If you don't understand Mandarin, too bad. I tried to make a translation of the lyrics, but I don't know how to translate the 2nd line. Oh well. Anyone wanna give it a try? (I did give it a try, but it sound so ridiculous, so...)
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Sunshine Girls - Cloudy day today?!
Sunshine girls has been inside every copy of Toronto Sun for the past 35 years. If this is the first time that the Sunshine girl is out, I'm sure it's a day to remember. Even if this is really a glitch and Sunshine girls will come back tomorrow, today's paper still worth a note in the books. Especially today is a cloudy day.
(It's too bad that our office doesn't have a copy of Toronto Sun.)
(I checked on Toronto Sun's website and the Sunshine girl for "Today" isn't really that good.)
Friday, September 15, 2006
Tubing? Are you trying to Kill yourself!?
Beside the normal things to do. (I thought we don't really do stuff.) My friend told me we are going to do "Tubing". As usual I didn't look at the web link he provided, I went on Google and try to see what it is. Ha?! How come the first few results are all from Government or some News saying Tubing is dangerous?! Wait, I thought this camping trip was to relax and help me gain more experience on Lazyness. I didn't know I have to risk my life for it. WHAT?! It'll be pulled by a motorized boat? Extreme Sports!!! HA?! It goes up and down too??? OMG~
(Well, I never like to do any water sports anyway. Why? Because I don't really know how to swim. It's not like I will scream or goes crazy once I fall into the water. But I'm not those who can swim freely and worry free. Sounds kind of confusing...is it?)
Well, the scariest of all is "you should only goes as high as you willing to fall." I don't wanna die. Not that I'm afraid of height, but let's not try something that might involve me falling...ok? How about we try something else? Let's get a fishing license, and go fishing for fun sounds really good for me now. =_= We don't have to do some extreme sports when we are not ready. The more I read about this, I found a picture of the actual thing. (See below) Damn, it's even more extreme than wakeboard. FINE, how about we do some water skiing and we call it a deal? :)
Now that's really extreme isn't it? So I decided to talk to my friend and see if I can change his mind about this. To my surprise, he replied "What?! It's nothing, I tried it before and it's really safe." HELLO?! SAFE?! I'm having a hard time to even say it's not dangerous, and you call it safe? Are you out of your mind? Ok, I click on the link as he saying how it's safe and such and how someone got injured last time...Fine, let's see how it will make me feel safer. O
k...So this is the tubing we are gonna do? What happen to the other one? But after all, it's still a water sport, should still take full cautions when we do this.
(It took me 32 minutes to write this blog, while at work.)
ICQ, the forgotten.
Well, I have total number of 368 contacts. Wow, that's alot (to me, I know someone who has over 1000 and had to open a new account just to sort out the people on the list.) It's true that I don't talk to all of them often enough. But at least when I was active in various stages of my life, I did talk to most of people on the list...most of them daily, and some less often was only because we are in different time zone(s).
Talk about time zone(s). I remember that I used to live by the GMT+8 to GMT+12, always chatting with people in that time zone, while I'm living in the GMT-5 time zone. Yes, from 13-17 hours difference than a normal person would live by here in GMT-5. Pretty crazy huh? That's how I wasted my life...hahaha...
Back to ICQ. I was once very proud of my user number, since it's so easy to remember. (ok ok, it's only easy for ME to remember, don't think anyone else really cares~) I even tried to contact the phone company to see if I can get my user number to be my phone number. Too bad they don't allow you to choose your own number (well...not all 7 digit). And I don't want to pay $30 a month to get a 1-800 number (or 1-899 nowadays?). So that's just a dream until they starts to use the same first 3 digit code in phone list...when will that be? (rumors about you can transfer your cell phone numbers between companies sometime this winter, well, rumors...)
Ok, really back to ICQ. Why does it crash so often? It actually crash more than windows itself. Well, I don't know, they usually dies together, so I can't really tell which one is the murder here in this murder/suicide case. (or it's a gang war? But I'm not the cop, I don't want them dead!)
Did ICQ ever have any major improvement to it's core? I mean, their search for user still sucks.
And for some reason, it doesn't stay connected very well. While everything else works fine, ICQ will drops out of connection and die. (Well, hangs there forever means dead to me, don't you think?)
Support for Chinese. Most of the time during chat is alright. But on everything else it doesn't work all the time. And usually when you really wanted it to work, it fails. (ain't everything else in life are like that too?) I guess I better stop picking on it's fault, after all, ICQ is a chat program(??) and if does that well, that's enough.
Oh, if you are one of those people who still use (or only use) ICQ as your main communication program with your friends and family, you can ignore this.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Still "Public Service"...
I should update my blog with something that can generate some money, doesn't matter how little it is. (Well, if I can get like $100 a month that would be great, but unless I have a few thousands viewer per day, that's just a dream.)
(To some, it may not be a dream, because their blog has 15000+ viewer per day. So even with $0.01 per 100 view, they would still make more than $40 a month.)
Blogger at work - Picture storage
Other than that, I still can't get the google Adsense thing to work. well, at least not on the main page. If you goes into the entry, the Ad on the top would work in English. But the one on main page just won't budge, it has to stay with the chinese trivial questions. may be I have to reset my Adsense thing? I don't know. Good to know that the one on the bottom of the page works fine.
Then I move on to work on my other blog some place else. In that blog, I posted 2 entries and worked on a third. Also tested a little on Flickr.
I realize that Blogger doesn't have it's own picture storage space (or does it?) and Flickr is actually a Yahoo! company. Does google has their own storage space? Or is there any good FREE sites that offer more than 20MB bandwidth? (not that I'll use it up anytime soon, but if I can have more choice, why not?)
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
what makes you think I speak / write Chinese?
I don't think anyone can find a word of Chinese on this blog now, well, at least not the public can see! So why would this Adsense thing keeps on giving me Chinese Ad? I'm not expecting it would give me anything really related to the blog entries here. (only 1 English entry.) but it should show me a basic / default / sample Ad that is totally in English, Right?
but no, I don't get that and I just keeps on getting this Google search ad, a "fun" trivial(??) question...STOP IT! I don't want it...damn...
you may say that if your setup has chinese, it could be the reason why you get that Chinese trivial question. but NO! in preview / setting screen, the Ad above the blog entry would be an english Ad with info about apartment. Everything works except the content...
oh well...it's 2:52pm now, better go back to work (REALLY) and continue this blog thing tonight.
Blogger sucks (or is it "just" me?)
#1, I still can't get it to link up this blog to my G-mail account. so everytime I login now, I have to login to both to see if I can get it to work but as usual, it won't work. I don't know if it's the problem of this stupid machine I'm having at work (P-III running NT4) or it's just that I did something wrong on link-up the accounts.
#2, I don't like the fact that each time I post a new entry, I have to manually update the whole blog. My Gosh! Do I have to put a stamp on it and mail it out? geez. can't you update it by yourself?
#3, everytime I'm in settings, I have to "open" a new window to just look at my Blog. and when I'm in my blog, I can't login directly(no login box), I have to go to the main page to do that. Is there a easier way? =_=
#4, oh yeah, almost forgot, I probably wouldn't use a english title for my blog if I didn't HAVE to. As you can see that my english isn't any where near "fair", may be just a little bit better than some ESL student. (may be I always will be an ESL person, come to think of it, YES! I'm an ESL person.) the reason why I use engish for title is because if I put a Chinese title, the page won't load at all for some people or it will load whenever it feels like to on most machine. (doesn't matter you use Chinese version of XP or you using plain old english XP.)
#5, more about that title, I did put in "Canchi" as title before, but it will only shows up as "CANCHI". what is the point of having Upper-case and Lower-case? If I wanted to use ALL UPPER-CASE LETTER, I CAN PRESS THE "CAPS LOCK" KEY AND TYPE IT LIKE THAT! but that is not good for the eyes and I don't like the looks of it. can someone do something about it? while "you" at it, please make everything uni-code, so I can use Chinese (or some other language when I feel like to) as title.
#6, the comment entering page, why can't it be in the same page as the blog entry? it's not that hard to have a javascript editing box (or some other tech. thingy) in the same page sitting there ready for people to enter comment, RIGHT? Actually in the "new" page you can see the blog entry and other comment(s) that are already in there for this entry, while you type your own little comment. so put that in the original page is just a few clicks away, right?
(oh my god, it goes on and on...)
#7, is there really a number 7? I don't know, can't really spent too much time at work to blog. I have already spent the whole morning on viewing blogs. and now is 1:43pm. I should get back to work (or more web-surfing).
if I do have time or remember, I will come back to and type a chinese version of this. Because the chinese IME always makes noise when it prompt me for list of words or error. and it's on "System Speaker"!!! (how many years I haven't heard any "noise" from the system speaker?)
so if I go full speed to type something in Chinese, people (I guess only my boss would worry) would think that my system is going to explode or something. Since I work at the airport, let's not do that during September. (can someone please tell me how to stop the internal speaker? I don't really want to open the case to "unplug" it, but if it's the only way to go...)
by the time I finish, it's already 2:02pm.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Canchi or Canchichi
As pervious post, I was think of my username and it took me ages to find out the password. Once I'm in, I started to think why would I use "canchichi.blogspot.com" instead of "canchi.blogspot.com"
so I tried and type in the "canchi", and as I expected, the name is in use.
Fine. As I'm about to leave (there isn't much to see there anyway.), I notice the date of the entry and BOOM. They had it on the same day as my blog's first entry?! (deleted, but I do remember it.) And they also haven't update it since?!
Well, can't do anything about that. I guess I just have to stick with this.
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- Lazy Lazy Me
- Blogger - Helloooo~~ Anyone~~~~???
- Jeff Cheung - Be Your Man (Mandarin)
- Sunshine Girls - Cloudy day today?!
- Tubing? Are you trying to Kill yourself!?
- ICQ, the forgotten.
- Still "Public Service"...
- Blogger at work - Picture storage
- what makes you think I speak / write Chinese?
- Blogger sucks (or is it "just" me?)
- Canchi or Canchichi